The Drive
A daughter struggles with role-reversals as she drives her aging parents to their new home at an assisted living center.
This little film made the rounds at a number of film festivals.
Phoenix, High Falls, Garden State, New Filmmakers NY (2018)
New Jersey Pop-up (Best Actress Award), 15 Minutes of Fame (Best Screen Play) (2017)
The Drive continues to be shown at the Asbury Short Film Concert which tours all over the country.
Currently licensed through Direct Tv’s ShortsTv Network
An art student with an assignment, enlists her boyfriend to be her model. The simple act of sketching him triggers the release of a locked away dark memory, completely altering her understanding of herself and her relationship with intimacy.
Currently running the festival circuits with acceptances to:
The NOVA Fest (Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Screenplay, Best Art & Design nominations)
New Filmmakers NY (2020)
International New York Film Festival (2020)
Switzerland International Film Festival (2020) Winner Best Short Film
Roma Cinema DOC (2021)
jellyFEST (2021)
Shower Head
Documentary footage of an artist continuing to create during quarantine.
Official Selection of Roma Film Festival (2020)
Love Abridged
A lonely immigrant finds romance with a crumbling landmark bridge. (2021)